20 Power Street, Levin

06 3688065

HCP guidelines to keep safe during the COVID-19 pandemic



Now we are operating under the traffic light system

We will continue to provide a full service to all our patients No vaccine pass required


• Please scan in using the NZ covid tracer app

• Please wear a mask - we will ask you wear a supplied disposable mask whilst at HCP. Please advise if you have a mask exemption prior to your appointment. We may seat you in a different area

• Do not arrive early for your appointment. We request you arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to your appointment time. This will help keep distancing of patients within our waiting room and reduce time spent in the practice

• Patient will be able to have one support person with them during their
consultation. Restrictions on support people are to enable the safety of patients and staff by minimising avoidable contacts

• NO vaccine pass is required but we may ask you about your vaccination

• We are encouraging telehealth consultations whenever  possible

• Please advise prior to your appointment if you are experiencing any cold,
flu or covid like symptoms, these include the following:


New or worsening cough
Sneezing and runny nose

Temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste Sore throat
Shortness of breath

These measures are within accordance of the advice given by Ministry of Health

Childhood immunisations are free



The vaccines your child should receive are listed on the New Zealand Immunisation Schedule.

Immunisations begin when your child is 6 weeks old. Getting your baby vaccinated at the recommended times will give them the best protection against disease.

Your family doctor or practice nurse will give the immunisations.

Immunisations will usually be given as injections in the arm or leg. Usually, two or three injections will be given at each visit. Rotavirus vaccine is given as drops of liquid in the mouth.

After the immunisation, your child may have a red or sore area around where the injection was given, or get a mild fever. If you have any concerns, call your doctor, practice nurse or Healthline (0800 611 116).

Immunisations given will be recorded in your child’s Well Child/Tamariki Ora My Health Book and on the National Immunisation Register.

If you’re not sure whether your child has had all their immunisations, check with your doctor or nurse.

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